Wednesday, July 31, 2013


We decided to take a boat trip across Kachemak Bay to an island named Seldovia, population, 284.   It is accessible only by Air or Sea.  The name is Russian from Seldevy, meaning "Herring Bay".  Between 1869 and 1882 a trading station was located here.  

Our Ferry docking in Homer to pick us up

A little fog this morning, but still beautiful views
One of the small beaches coming into Seldovia
Took a short walk down the Historic Boardwalk dating back to 1931 

Neat house with an old boat in the front yard

The Russian Orthodox Church was built in 1891 and has stood on the hill welcoming returning sailors to port.  The church is still used at times by a visiting Russian Orthodox Priest.

Further up the Boardwalk is the Seldovia Slough...  notice the amount of water and the NO WAKE sign on the bridge.  You can be sure it was low tide.
A group of small shops and restaurants along the Slough.
Could not resist taking this photo - very little is thrown out on this island.  



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