Sunday, July 14, 2013

Whitehorse to US Border

We made the long trek (335 miles) from Whitehorse to the US Border.  Out of Whitehorse, the views started changing.  Mountains in the horizon almost surrounding us.  The St. Elias mountains boasting several 16 and 17,000 + peaks.  Still some clouds from the previous day's rain hide the higher peaks.

The highway from Whitehorse to Haines Junction is incredible.
The Kluane Range parallels the Alaskan Hwy

There is nearly an unbroken chain of up to 8,000 foot mountains stretching from Haines Junction to Koidern   (147 miles)

Kluane Lake is the largest lake in the Yukon


We were told that from Destruction Bay to the Border the roads are really bad.  That was an understatement.   Travel was 30 - 35 miles an hour in really bad construction and roads with frost heaves and pot holes.  Took us over 8 hours which averaged about 40 mph.   Immediately past Destruction Bay, the construction started.

Note the row of RVs in front of us...  We were not the last in line.

The  sides of the highways are filled with this beautiful pink/purple flower called Fireweed. 

As you can see, we made it to Alaska. 

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