Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Anchor Point

Just outside Homer is the small village of Anchor Point, population 1,829.  Captain James Cook sailed into Cook Inlet looking for the Northwest Passage in 1778.

Their claim to fame is the way fishing boats are launched.  Since there are 30 foot tides here, and hundreds of yards of very shallow beach, they devised a unique way to get the boats in and out of the water during low tides.

The tractor and the boat... getting the picture?
The fishermen loaded on the boat with all their gear on dry land, hooked up to the tractor and down to the beach they go.
And out to the water - never getting their feet wet. 
Pick-up is a high-powered run to the trailer and tractor.  Hope his aim is good.

One boat being dropped off and one getting ready to come in.  We were there for about an hour watching in amazement and every one was on target.
The trailers are numbered and parked until the boat radios in for pick-up.  At one point, we saw 7 boats waiting to come ashore.  It costs $55.00 - not sure if that was one way or both ways. But sure has to be an experience of a lifetime.


The drive out to Anchor Point also boasts the most Westerly Highway.  We have been to the most Southerly and the most Easterly and now the most Westerly in the U.S..

Along the road was the "Erector Set" Bridge as the locals refer to it.


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