Saturday, July 20, 2013


We are in Fairbanks, AK (about 190 miles from the Arctic Circle).  We were going to drive up but it was suggested to carry two spare tires and there were limited services. No thanks!
The sun sets here at 11:50 PM and rises at 3:45 AM.  At 1:30 AM, it is as bright as an overcast, rainy day.   But each day loses about 7 minutes of light.  At Winter Solstice, there will only be 3.75 hours of light.
Downtown Fairbanks mile marker... 
It is on the Chena River next to a beautiful park
North Pole, Alaska and a visit to Santa's house.   Yes, there really is a Santa.


A drive out of town and a walk under the Alaskan Pipeline. The vertical silver fins keep the permafrost from thawing.
The silver line through the map shows where the Pipeline travels.
From Prudhoe Bay to Valdez.


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