Saturday, August 3, 2013

Leaving Homer

Leaving Homer was a little sad since we know our vacation to Alaska is coming to an end soon.  We all decided this was the most beautiful spot we have been on our travels.

This is a picture of the mountains from the back of our coach. 

This is shot from the front of our coach. 

Took a drive to the top of Homer - about 1,400 feet - views were spectacular

Weather has started to change - we have about 8 channels on TV - one has Honey Boo Boo about 12 hours a day, another is important stuff like cartoons or info-mercials.  We try to catch the weather reports, but found the picture above was the best weather report we found.

Someone suggested "Fish and Chips" at the end of the Boardwalk for Halibut Sandwich and beer.... Our last meal on the Spit.

 As you can see, it was the right choice.  We all voted that this was the best fish sandwich we had ever eaten in our lives... and yes, even better than Grouper in Florida.


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