Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Kenai is on the West coast of the Kenai Peninsula and Cook Inlet, population 7,100.  This is definitely a small drinking town with a fishing problem.  This place was ALL FISH.  Very little "touristy" stuff around, but we did enjoy driving around and exploring the area and a little down time from our hectic sightseeing schedule. 

One of the many wildlife refuge areas.  There are three major snow covered volcanoes across Cook Inlet.  Unfortunately, they were hidden in the clouds while we were visiting.   Mount Spurr at 11,100, Mt. Iliamna at 10,016 and Mt. Redoubt at 10,197 ft. are spectacular sight on a clear day. 
We finally saw a moose...  Gene & I heading to an auto store when we spotted the Moose.  We frantically were trying to contact Linda & Steve - CB radio, texting then finally calling them.  They turned around and got to see a moose.  We have talked to many people who have spotted moose and even slammed on brakes to avoid hitting one.  Two months into our trip and we see a moose.

Back at camp and a fire enjoying our happy hours.
One night the campground hosted a pot luck - Halibut and Salmon Bake.  Another great day in Alaska.
A bad storm and high winds caught our awning by surprise.  One of the arms broke - just some washers and rivets needed, but cannot be repaired in the wind, so repairs will be another day.  Just part of the trip.




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