Tuesday, August 13, 2013


While in Whitehorse, we decided to take a day trip to Skagway (80 miles south).  The weather was beautiful and the drive was a feast for the eyes. 

This part of the trip was called "Tormented Valley" because of the rocks and small firs.  Thousands of gold seekers had to traverse this terrain - many died looking for their fortune.
Small, twisted, stunted alpine firs (called mopheads) that are shaped by heavy snows and icy winds grow next to crystal clear, rocky, mountain lakes.   
Tutshi (pronounced too shy) Lake
The winds were almost non-existent and we ended up getting some beautiful reflections of the mountains in the lakes.
Blue skies and waters with deep green firs. 

 Emerald Lake
The rainbow like colors results from blue-green lightwaves reflecting off the white sediment of decomposed shell and clay called "marl".

Main Street in "tourist Town" Skagway. 300 cruise ships dock here every year.


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